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Transparent Cryptographic File System for Linux Announce

From: ermmau@Dipartimento.Informatica.ed.Applicazioni (Universita' di Salerno) (Ermelindo Mauriello) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce Subject: New Release of TCFS (Transparent Cryptographic File System) Date: 4 Mar 1997 22:42:30 GMT Keywords: Cryptographic, FileSystem, NFS, Security -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- We are glad to announce the availability of release of 2.0pl5 of TCFS (Transparent Cryptographic File System) for Linux. TCFS is a cryptographic filesystem developed here at Universita' di Salerno (Italy). It operates like NFS but allow users to use a new flag X to make the files secure (encrypted). Security engine is based on DES. The TCFS version 2.0 works in Linux kernel space, and may be linked as a kernel module. It is developed to work on Linux 2.0.x kernels. Changes in the current release: - - We added patch for the mount command. Now we provide the patched sources for release 2.5 of the mount command. - - We added patch for the poeigl admin tools (passwd). Now we provide the patched sources for the poeigl package. - - We fixed bugs for files with holes. We have also re-structured the entire distribution: tcfs2.0pl5.diff - Patch for Linux 2.0.xx kernels. This patch adds TCFS support to the Linux kernel. To apply this patch cd to /usr/src and type patch -p0 < tcfs2.0pl5.diff. tcfsutils.tgz - Utilities needed by TCFS (tcfsgenkey,tcfslogin,tcfslogut). mount.tgz - Patched mount command. This mount supports tcfs filesystem. xattrd.tgz - XATTRD daemon needed to handle ext2 fs extended attributes via RPC. admin.tgz - Patched poeigl package. e2fsprogs.tgz - Patched e2tools (lsattr and chattr). patches dir - Patches for poeigl, mount and e2fsprogs. These files are available at ftp://mikonos.dia.unisa.it/pub/tcfs/v2.0/Packages; installation instruction are in the README file. At the URL ftp://mikonos.dia.unisa.it/pub/tcfs/v2.0 you can find the new release with the old distribution structure. A mailing-list is available at tcfs-list@mikonos.dia.unisa.it. Documentation is available at #mikonos.dia.unisa.it/tcfs. Here you can find instructions for installing TCFS and docs on how it works. Mirror sites are available at #www.globenet.it/~ermmau/tcfs and #www.inopera.it/~ermmau/tcfs

Last-modified: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 07:02:58 GMT
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